Cango Chronicles - Page 6
WAZA's Response to Recent World Animal Protection Report
World Animal Protection (WAP) this week launched a public action campaign against WAZA regarding visitor interactions in zoos and aquariums, "urging WAZA to lead the way by offering clear animal welfare guidelines... and monitor and actively work with members to ensure they do not offer cruel and demeaning shows and activities." More information on the campaign as well as WAP's report can be read here:
Below is WAZA's public statement in response to the campaign:
My Planet for the Cheetah Preservation Foundation
Supporting The Cheetah Preservation Foundation, just got a whole lot easier!
Cango Wildlife Ranch Delivers Missing Information Critical to Sustaining Biodiversity
Despite volumes of data currently available on mankind, it is surprising how little we know about other species. A paper published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) – using data recorded by Cango Wildlife Ranch in collaboration with other zoos and aquariums worldwide - confirms that critical information, such as fertility and survival rates, is missing from global data for more than 98 percent of known species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
Endangered Animals of Cango Wildlife Ranch
With World Endangered Species Day in the air, we thought we'd honor our endangered animals.
The Cheetah Guys: Cycling for a Cause
This year, the non-profit Cheetah Preservation Foundation (CPF) will be joining forces with Dryland Events Management for the 3rd consecutive 36ONE MTB Challenge from 17 – 19 May 2019.
Representing the world’s fastest land mammal, the goal is to raise awareness & funds to help win the race against extinction
Four perfect and critically endangered hatchlings for Easter
Four of the worlds’ most beautiful and endangered Tortoises born, just in time to celebrate Easter!
Volunteers shocked during Trashtag Challenge
The #Trashtag challenge is an initiative that has gone viral calling on teens to help clean up ‘our’ mess.
Quite literally, the campaign is sweeping the globe by getting young enthusiasts to clean up littered areas.
Our amazing Wild Animal Volunteers took on the challenge - and got more than they bargained for.
Everything's Owl-Right
Hoot-Hoot Hooray!
Another successful owl release
NPC helps to save flamingo lives!
Less than 10km from Kimberly’s famous Big Hole, lies the Kamfers Dam. It has been one of only 4 vital breeding grounds in Africa for the lesser flamingos and is sadly experiencing a drought which has led to the once 400 hectare dam, dropping far below it’s normal magnitude.
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