Accreditation and Memberships

There are no shortcuts to being ethical and responsible animal conservationists.
We go through every measure ethically, and legally, to ensure in the wellbeing and happiness of our animals.
Letter of Excellence from the World Association of Zoos and Aquaria
PAAZA Accreditation
The Cango Wildlife Ranch is one of only a handful in the country to have obtained accreditation from the world leader in the zoological industry. The Pan-African Association of Zoological Gardens and Aquaria (PAAZA) is an internationally recognized organization with a world-renowned accreditation standard. Except for being exceptionally proud of our accreditation, we also understand how immensely important it is for institutions like ours to form part of a ‘ bigger picture’, to ensure our animal programs are always kept to the highest standards.
The Cango Wildlife Ranch was awarded this prestigious accreditation in December 2003 are re-evaluated every 4 years according to PAAZA's high standards. The PAAZA Accreditation process, if viewed in the manner it was designed, stimulates an institute to make incredible efforts to upgrade their facility to the advantage of the visitors and the animals.
One of the most important objectives for obtaining the accreditation was to be become one of the best small zoological facilities in South Africa. Cango Wildlife Ranch is serious about promoting the active role they play in terms of conserving our natural resource s through specialized breeding programs. Evaluations on animal husbandry, animal collection, safety and security, conservation education, research, staff and ethics form the other guidelines for the accreditation.
The aims and objectives of the accreditation includes the evaluation of the management and administrative systems of the facility. Further an assessment of the physical aspects of the facility from a visitor perspective as well as the physical aspects from an animal perspective forms an important part of the accreditation. The Ranch was commended for their incredible effort and for the large measure of improvement they achieved in preparation for the accreditation and we are striving to stay at that superior level.
WAZA Membership
The Cango Wildlife Ranch is also an invited member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). The goal of WAZA is to guide, encourage and support zoos, aquariums and like-minded organisations of the world in animal welfare, environmental education and global conservation.
WAZA is responsible for the following:
- Creating a harmonic relationship between zoological gardens and aquariums which includes conservation, management and breeding of animals in human care.
- Promoting and coordinating cooperation between national and regional associations. Representing zoological gardens and aquariums on an international level.
- Promoting environmental education and research, and wildlife conservation. We are very proud to be one of only five members of WAZA in South Africa and daily strive to uphold what they, and we, stand for.
Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group Member
The Cango Wildlife Ranch is officially the first member of the Madagascar Fauna & Flora Group from Africa!!! MFG, is an established consortium of zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens from all over the world who pool their efforts to conserve endangered species and rainforest habitat in eastern Madagascar.
MFG's six major goals
- The six major goals of the MFG, as outlined in their mission statement, are:
Providing training and support at Parc Ivoloina, Madagascar's premier zoological park and resort. Support includes outreach and educational programs, and veterinary support. - Protection of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves, notably the Betampona Reserve, where the MFG have started the re-introduction of captive-bred Ruffed Lemurs into the wild.
- Promoting and funding field work pertaining to Madagascar fauna, flora and habitat. Cases in point are the Side-necked turtle, the Madagascar Pond-heron and a range of lemur species.
- Managing captive breeding programs for Madagascar species in and outside Madagascar, co-coordinating amongst the various member organizations.
- Planning conservation goals in conjunction with the Madagascar National Parks Association
- Educating zoo visitors worldwide about Madagascar's biological heritage. We are extremely excited and proud to be members of this non-profit organisation and eagerly support all the awesome work they do for the fauna and flora of Madagascar!
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